Every year this happens. Some top line player holds out. Back in the day, when all we cared about was our hometown team...there was only a 1 in 30 chance that we would be effected as fans.
Now that we are all doing Fantasy Football, the Holdout of 2011, Chris Johnson, has a lot more meaning for all of us.
My recommendation? Get Johnson at a discount, then be sure to get his backup, Javon Ringer, once you have the rest of your lineup set. In a draft, this may mean taking Ringer as high as the 8th or 9th round. But if you are able to get Johnson in the 2nd round...meaning you are getting first round talent at second round prices, then this is viable.
In an auction, once you have valued Johnson if he were to play a full season, knock of 25% of that value, then bid up to that price. If you get him, then again, be sure to get Ringer. If you don't get Johnson at a discount, be sure to bid up Ringer to about 10% of the value of Johnson. Make the owner of Johnson pay for that hedge.
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